Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) rupture is a common sports-related
injury, with an annual incidence of approximately 5/10 000 persons in
the general population.[1]
Osteoarthritis (OA) is a well-known, long-term complication of ACL
rupture, with a prevalence of 10–90% at 10–20 years postinjury.[2,3]
It is important to identify the risk factors contributing to OA in
patients with ACL rupture, because some risk factors may be modifiable
as to prevent onset or early-stage progression of OA.
To identify those ACL injured patients at increased risk for knee OA, it is necessary to understand risk factors for OA.
Aim To summarise the evidence for determinants of (1) tibiofemoral OA and (2) patellofemoral OA in ACL injured patients.
Methods MEDLINE, EMBASE, Web of Science and CINAHL
databases were searched up to 20 December 2013. Additionally, reference
lists of eligible studies were manually and independently screened by
two reviewers. 2348 studies were assessed for the following main
inclusion criteria: ≥20 patients; ACL injured patients treated
operatively or non-operatively; reporting OA as outcome; description of
relationship between OA outcome and determinants; and a follow-up period
≥2 years. Two reviewers extracted the data, assessed the risk of bias
and performed a best-evidence synthesis.
Results Sixty-four publications were included and assessed
for quality. Two studies were classified as low risk of bias. Medial
meniscal injury/meniscectomy showed moderate evidence for influencing OA
development (tibiofemoral OA and compartment unspecified). Lateral
meniscal injury/meniscectomy showed moderate evidence for no
relationship (compartment unspecified), as did time between injury and
reconstruction (tibiofemoral and patellofemoral OA).
Conclusions Medial meniscal injury/meniscectomy after ACL
rupture increased the risk of OA development. In contrast, it seems that
lateral meniscal injury/meniscectomy has no relationship with OA
development. Our results suggest that time between injury and
reconstruction does not influence patellofemoral and tibiofemoral OA
development. Many determinants showed conflicting and limited evidence
and no determinant showed strong evidence.
Read more:
Belle L van Meer; Duncan E Meuffels; Wilbert A van Eijsden; Jan A N Verhaar; Sita M A Bierma-Zeinstra; Max Reijman: Which Determinants Predict Tibiofemoral and Patellofemoral Osteoarthritis After Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury? -A Systematic Review. Br J Sports Med. 2015;49(15):975-983
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