
Tuesday, 1 October 2013

More myths busted: Copper and magnet therapy are useless in rheumatoid arthritis

Folklore remedies for pain and inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis include the application of magnets and copper to the skin. Despite the popular use of devices containing magnets or copper for this purpose, little research has been conducted to evaluate the efficacy of such treatments.


To investigate whether the practice of wearing magnetic wrists straps, or copper bracelets, offers any specific therapeutic benefit for patients with rheumatoid arthritis.


Randomised double-blind placebo-controlled crossover trial.


70 patients, aged 33 to 79 years and predominantly female (n = 52), with painful rheumatoid arthritis were recruited from general practices within Yorkshire. Participants were randomly allocated to wear four devices in a different order. Devices tested were: a standard (1502 to 2365 gauss) magnetic wrist strap, a demagnetised (<20 gauss) wrist strap, an attenuated (250 to 350 gauss) magnetic wrist strap, and a copper bracelet. Devices were each worn for five weeks, with treatment phases being separated by one week wash-out periods. The primary outcome measured was pain using a 100 mm visual analogue scale. Secondary pain measures were the McGill Pain Questionnaire and tender joint count. Inflammation was assessed using C-reactive protein and plasma viscosity blood tests and by swollen joint count. Physical function was assessed using the Health Assessment Questionnaire (Disability Index). Disease activity and medication use was also measured.


65 participants provided complete self-report outcome data for all devices, four participants provided partial data. Analysis of treatment outcomes did not reveal any statistically significant differences (P>0.05) between the four devices in terms of their effects on pain, inflammation, physical function, disease activity, or medication use.

Principal findings

The results of this trial indicate that participants with rheumatoid arthritis obtained little if any specific therapeutic benefit from magnet therapy, involving the use of a 2200 gauss magnetic wrist strap for just over one month. The experimental wrist strap, which was typical of other commonly available devices as regards its magnetic properties and method of application, did not appear to outperform: (a) a very weak (300 gauss) magnetic wrist strap; (b) a non-magnetic wrist strap; or (c) a copper bracelet. Whilst estimated 95% confidence intervals for the individual comparison of experimental and control devices indicate that use of the standard magnetic wrist strap may have resulted in a modest reduction in pain, equivalent to 12 mm on a 100 mm pain VAS, they also indicate the possibility that use of this device may have resulted in a slight increase in pain. Despite such uncertainty, these differences may be viewed as small in terms of potential clinical relevance, and further results obtained for secondary pain measures failed to indicate any analgesic benefit whatsoever resulting from magnet therapy. No overall statistically significant differences were found between experimental and control devices for the primary pain outcome measure (i.e. pain VAS), the McGill Pain Questionnaire, self-assessed measures of tender and swollen joints, disease activity status, physical function, feelings of helplessness, or for two different blood tests used for monitoring levels of acute phase reactants as indicators of bodily inflammation, even when controlling for medication use, local rather than systemic inflammation, and non-compliance. Similarly, we did not observe any evidence, of statistical significance or likely clinical importance, to suggest superiority of the copper bracelet over other control devices.


Wearing a magnetic wrist strap or a copper bracelet did not appear to have any meaningful therapeutic effect, beyond that of a placebo, for alleviating symptoms and combating disease activity in rheumatoid arthritis.

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